I am so excited to sit down and play with the beautiful stamps!!!
i only placed my order 3 days ago and what to my wonderful eyes do i
find on my door step this morning!
this big beautiful package with my name on it an
i was not even expecting it till next week some time!!!
these gorgeous stamps are made of high quality rubber and are supper affordable !
the web site i bought these at is
best part is orders over 35 dollars are free
and that's not it every 10 dollars you spend you earn
stampers best dollars to spend in there store when you sign
up for there free premium membership...
soooooo exciting!!
ummmm is it time to confess I'm a shopping addict
oh and be for i forget here is a 10% discount code for you also!
well that's it folks for the night but ill be posting projects n stuff tomorrow
until then
*hugs Kimmie*
SN: if any one from stampers best see's this thanks for the great free gift's!!!
Hi Kimmie - Thanks for your posting your SB haul and adding a link to our Facebook wall. You earned BONUS REWARDS $$$ and enjoy the free gifts! -Susan at StampersBest.com